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CLI help documentation

To view the CLI help documentation, run:

erdantic --help
# or
python -m erdantic --help
 Usage: erdantic [OPTIONS] MODELS_OR_MODULES...                                 

 Draw entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) for Python data model classes.        
 Diagrams are rendered using the Graphviz library. Currently supported data     
 modeling frameworks are Pydantic, attrs, and standard library dataclasses.     

╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    models_or_modules      MODELS_OR_MODULES...  One or more full dotted    │
│                                                   paths for data model       │
│                                                   classes, or modules        │
│                                                   containing data model      │
│                                                   classes, to include in     │
│                                                   diagram, e.g.,             │
│                                                   'erdantic.examples.pydant… │
│                                                   Only the root models of    │
│                                                   composition trees are      │
│                                                   needed; erdantic will      │
│                                                   traverse the composition   │
│                                                   tree to find component     │
│                                                   classes.                   │
│                                                   [default: None]            │
│                                                   [required]                 │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --out                 -o      PATH                  Output filename.      │
│                                                        [default: None]       │
│                                                        [required]            │
│    --terminal-model      -t      TEXT                  Full dotted paths for │
│                                                        data model classes to │
│                                                        set as terminal nodes │
│                                                        in the diagram.       │
│                                                        erdantic will stop    │
│                                                        searching for         │
│                                                        component classes     │
│                                                        when it reaches these │
│                                                        models. Repeat this   │
│                                                        option if more than   │
│                                                        one.                  │
│    --terminus                    TEXT                  Deprecated. Use       │
│                                                        --terminal-model      │
│                                                        instead.              │
│    --limit-search-mode…  -m      [pydantic|pydantic_v  Plugin identifiers.   │
│                                  1|attrs|dataclasses]  If any are specified, │
│                                                        when searching a      │
│                                                        module, limit data    │
│                                                        model classes to      │
│                                                        those ones. Repeat    │
│                                                        this option if more   │
│                                                        than one. Defaults to │
│                                                        None which will find  │
│                                                        data model classes    │
│                                                        matching any active   │
│                                                        plugin.               │
│    --dot                 -d                            Print out Graphviz    │
│                                                        DOT language          │
│                                                        representation for    │
│                                                        generated graph to    │
│                                                        console instead of    │
│                                                        rendering an image.   │
│                                                        The --out option will │
│                                                        be ignored.           │
│    --no-overwrite                                      Prevent overwriting   │
│                                                        an existing file.     │
│    --quiet               -q      INTEGER               Use to decrease log   │
│                                                        verbosity. Can use    │
│                                                        multiple times.       │
│    --verbose             -v      INTEGER               Use to increase log   │
│                                                        verbosity. Can use    │
│                                                        multiple times.       │
│    --version                                           Show erdantic version │
│                                                        and exit.             │
│    --install-completion                                Install completion    │
│                                                        for the current       │
│                                                        shell.                │
│    --show-completion                                   Show completion for   │
│                                                        the current shell, to │
│                                                        copy it or customize  │
│                                                        the installation.     │
│    --help                                              Show this message and │
│                                                        exit.                 │